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Performance Marketing Review: LinkedIn Acquisition & Mobile App Usage

Jun 13, 2016

Happy Monday, marketers! For today’s roundup of performance marketing and digital marketing industry news, reports and insights, we found some items to catch up on for the week.

Microsoft Amasses Trove of Data with LinkedIn Acquisition

As reported by AdExchanger, Microsoft has made a cash deal to purchase LinkedIn for $26.2 B, a move that will bring it a massive B2B data set and strengthen its position as the leader in data on the professional world. LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner said the deal will add the company’s social identity data to some 1 billion users of Microsoft products like email (Outlook), workplace productivity (Office), CRM (Dynamics), communications (Skype) and search (Bing). This mass of data could have some interesting implications for advertisers as commented on in MarketingLand

App Annie finds Social Networks and Communication Apps Most Popular on iOS

According to PerformanceIn, usage is the new currency within the mobile realm. Recent findings from app performance analytics company App Annie provide a number of interesting statistics on mobile app usage across US, UK, and Japanese markets. They comment on the ever-upward trajectory of mobile commerce and note retail apps Amazon and eBay spotted on several markets’ top ten most-used applications.

Mobile will account for 49% of Internet advertising by 2020

Mobile Marketer recently reported that the upward trend in mobile advertising expects mobile to comprise nearly half of all Internet advertising by 2020, according to a recent study by PricewaterhouseCoopers. The study also identifies three macrotrends across mobile, including mobile as the dominant means to access internet by 2020 – already almost two-thirds of the world is connected through mobile internet – and extensive growth in mobile advertising, including mobile vidoe. Finally, PwC forecasts significant growth data demands and infrastrucure related to mobile.

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