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Performance Marketing Review: Has Programmatic Finally Hit Bottom?

Aug 01, 2016

Postit Note To Do List

We hope everyone had a nice weekend! For our normal roundup of performance marketing and digital marketing industry news, reports and insights, we pulled together a few items for you to browse as you get your “to do” list started for the week.

Happy reading!

Has Programmatic Finally Hit Bottom?

The pros and cons of programmatic advertising have been long debated. Programmatic has created efficiencies with real-time automation, but according to John Lee, SVP and Chief Strategy Officer at Merkle in an AdExchanger op ed, the existing system (programmatic 1.0) has only survived due to dependency on last-click attribution in the lower funnel and the fundamental lack of measurement in the upper funnel. The rising popularity of private marketplaces represents a step forward for advertisers who are now able to transact directly with publishers to secure higher-quality inventory, particularly in mobile and video.

Attribution through DMP? Here’s a List of Things to Look For

There has been an increasing realization of the significance of data among enterprises of all size globally. Some already have a sound strategy for data, while some are actively building a roadmap. This overabundance of data and the need to leverage it optimally to maximize business growth set the stage for the invention of data management platforms (DMP). In a MarTech Advisor editorial, Pranav Vadehra shares thoughts on how DMPs help, where they fall short and the essential DMP features needed for optimal attribution.

IAB UK Releases Progress Report on Five Industry Pain Points

Digital advertising is enjoying some of its best success currently. It represents the fastest-growing advertising sector in the UK, with an estimated worth in the ballpark of £8.6 billion, up 16.4% from last year, and owning some 43% of the country’s entire ad market. However, having grown at its fastest rate for seven years, IAB UK CEO Guy Phillipson admits that a surge in growth hasn’t come without a number of “medium term” challenges. PerformanceIn provides a summary of the progress made into each of the five areas for improvement by the IAB and its contributing members. 

Consider Cost Per Outcome When Optimizing Audience Buying On Facebook, Instagram

When it comes to cross-platform measurement, 35% of advertisers say they do not have adequate measurement techniques, while 34% say they evaluate each channel individually and optimize them based on channel-specific performance. MediaPost reported on a Facebook IQ study that measured the effectiveness of optimizing audience buying and the “cost per outcome. The quick takeaway: marketers should run campaign across Facebook and Instagram to get the best outcome because the company’s ad platforms are now optimized to take both into consideration when serving ads and determining the best price per outcome. 

How Companies Like Dollar Shave Club are Reshaping the Retail Landscape

Following the acquisition of online upstart Dollar Shave Club by consumer products giant Unilever for $1 billion, Farhad Manjoo of the New York Times asserts that the same forces that drove Dollar Shave’s rise are altering a wide variety of consumer product categories. The article explores how together, these categories add up to something huge — a new slate of companies that are exploring novel ways of making and marketing some of the most lucrative products we buy today. These firms have become so common that they have acquired a jargony label: the digitally native vertical brand.

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