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Partner Perspective Q&A with Open Sponsorship CEO Ishveen Anand

Apr 06, 2021

Director of Content

Partnerize works with some of the most successful and influential partners in affiliate. Our Partner Perspective webinar series sets out to learn from the best of the best and pick up a few secrets to their success along the way. In this installment, we welcome CEO of Open Sponsorship, Ishveen Anand. 

Share a little about your company.

We are a two-sided marketplace connecting brands to athletes for marketing campaigns. We have done thousands of deals across our network of 8000 athletes that ranges from affiliate marketing deals exchanging product for an IG story, all the way to long-term brand ambassador deals including photoshoots, appearances and all the bells and whistles. We leverage technology and data to make the entire sponsorship process more efficient and effective.

Please describe a typical day in your office.

As CEO, my role is to make sure the rest of my team faces no bottlenecks, so I’d say 50% of my day is reacting to things, and the other 50% is my scheduled time which includes product, sales, marketing and thinking about growth.

What types of programs is your team looking to partner with?

We love any program where a brand is looking to drive sales and brand awareness using influencers or referrals. Athletes comes in all shapes and sizes, have tons of interests, and include micro athletes as well as Super Bowl or NBA champions. The ideal for us is where a brand has a bit of an upfront budget to commit to the athlete + a cool product.

Can you share a success highlight from your partnership with Partnerize that really stands out to you?

We worked with Chewy, and loved seeing the variety of athlete deals they did through our platform including LPGA golfers, MLB players and more. They were also able to repurpose the content on their own channels.

What Partnerize technology innovation has had the greatest impact on your team?

We love how easy it is to take links from the Partnerize platform and insert them into our system for the athletes to copy and paste in their content on social media.

What sets your company apart from others or makes it unique?

The range of athletes, as well as the tools we have to make these connections easier. E.g. we have a tool called campaigns where brands can put up a “job posting” such as “looking for athletes with kids”, offering $X for Y deliverable. And athletes will apply to work with you. It’s authentic and saves brands so much time.

What do you attribute your company’s success to with Partnerize?

The lines between influencer marketing and affiliate marketing are truly blurring, but for Partnerize clients they want to be able to start small, A/B test, get a positive ROI, we allow that to happen through our platform.

What is one thing people should know about your company?

It’s free to sign up and check out the athletes, and send direct proposals. We do have paid plans as well, but you can get started for free! And the usability is great, so our clients enjoy using the platform, unlike many other platforms which are known to be clunky.

What’s on the roadmap for your company?

Lots! Better ROI tracking, more talent verticals including music, gaming, public figures, chefs, comedians. Some cool AI based matching.

Three words that best describe your company…go!

Accessible, Transparent, Educational.

Learn more about Open Sponsorship and how to partner with them in our upcoming Partner Perspective webinar on April 8th at 10AM EST. 

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