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From the Grounds Up: How Driftaway Coffee Brewed Partnership Success with Partnerize

Feb 06, 2024

Director of Content

With a mission to make specialty coffee accessible to all, without any pretensions or snobbery, Driftaway Coffee’s affiliate/partnership program with their legacy affiliate provider was growing as stale as day-old coffee. They knew they needed a change, so they turned to eAccountable for a much-needed jolt. Through the eAccountable team’s help and the Partnerize platform’s technology, they we’re able to professionalize, stabilize, and grow their partnership channel.


Powered by Partnerize, eAccountable was able to achieve great success in Driftaway Coffee’s partnership program by:

  • Identifying, recruiting, and activating quality content and social media partners to drive incremental click traffic and impressions aiding in the growth of both brand reach and awareness.
  • Easily engaging high-quality partners by distributing exclusive offers to drive incremental traffic and conversions.
  • Reporting and managing key performance metrics, aiding in program and tactic optimization.


This approach of using best-match partner discovery technology and extending exclusive offers via Partnerize coupled with a comprehensive partner communications strategy brought Driftaway Coffee some major wins including a 125% YoY traffic increase from content and social media partners and a nearly 62% increase in traffic.


Learn more about the many results Driftaway Cofee experienced on the Partnerize platform by dowloading the case study right here


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