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Cookie policy

Google Analytics

We use the free Google Analytics tool (see ‘How Google uses data when you use our partners’ sites or apps’ to collect and analyse website statistics. Google Analytics uses persistent cookies to track data. These cookies are only used for the statistical collection of data such as visits and page hits. Google Analytics’ cookies store IP addresses but we cannot link those addresses to any individual or path through the website. Google uses the cookies to read information and evaluate visitors’ use of the website in the form of statistical reports that we can access. The Google Analytics’ code is incorporated into our website’s code so that our website serves the cookies, but Google has access to the cookies. You can stop being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites by going to Google’s site at:

Social Media

Our website includes social media features from Facebook (, Linkedin (, and Twitter ( These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our sites, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. The cookies and data usage of these features is governed by the privacy policy of the respective social media company.

Withdrawing consent to cookies

As well as using the Cookie Declaration on our website, you can use your browser to adjust your cookie settings to give or withdraw consent. The following information is reproduced below for convenience, and is current as of January 2021:

For Chrome, please see Google’s support page here:

For Internet Explorer, please see Microsoft’s support page here:

For Edge, please see Microsoft’s privacy page here:   

For Firefox, please see Mozilla’s support page here:

For Safari, please see Apple’s support page here for Macs: and here for mobile devices:

Data Processing

We are a provider of performance marketing technology services, and process data on our customers’ behalf. The processing of that data is not covered by this privacy policy. Our customers use our technology to reward website operators and other marketing partners who have generated sales of the customer’s goods or services. In order to enable this, we record your journey from a partner website to the customer site and receive certain information from the customer relating to any subsequent sale. Customers may also request that we record information relating to any advertising you have seen, so that they can reward the partner who displayed that advertising to you. This information is visible to the customer, to us, and usually to the partner who generated the sale/displayed the advertising. Our agreements with our customers prevent us from using that information except as necessary to provide that service to them and to make improvements to it, and as required by law.

It is not possible for us to identify individuals from the data our customers provide to us, nor do we receive credit card or other payment information. Our customers are responsible for communicating with the individuals who provide information to them, and the use of that information is governed by their privacy policies.

We also place the following cookie on your device in order to provide these services:

Name Process Lifetime of cookie
tPHG-PS Partnerize’s tracking cookie, deployed either upon a user’s clicking of a link on a partner website, or upon the loading of a customer’s image to a partner website. 1 year
This cookie uniquely identifies a user’s browser, allowing us to establish whether the device used to make a purchase has clicked on a partner link or been shown advertising on a partner site. You can disable this cookie by following the guidance above.